Dr Yvonne McCartney

Dr Yvonne McCartney


Dr Yvonne McCartney is a practice principal of Kensington Hill Medical Centre. Yvonne obtained her medical degree through Monash University before furthering her training with a Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynecology (dipObsRANZCOG) and of course a Fellowship of General Practice (FRACGP). She has a keen interest in women’s health and is able to offer obstetric shared care as well insertion of IUDs and implanon. Yvonne’s other interests include children’s health and chronic disease management and prevention. Yvonne does not take on new Work Cover patients.

Yvonne is passionate about helping patients live well at every stage of their life. She was attracted to general practice for the opportunity to go along life’s journey with each of her patients whether it be celebratory or challenging. 

When not at KHMC she enjoys getting outside, especially the beach, with her two boys. 

Special interests:

  • Womens Health
  • Obstetric shared care
  • Insertion of intrauterine device (mirena) and implanon
  • Childrens health
  • Chronic disease management and prevention

Special Interests


The popularity of the uptake of the shingles vaccination program has led to a shortage in supply nationally. 

Contact us regarding your eligibility and to be placed on a waiting list. One of our Nurses will contact you with an appointment as stock becomes available; we appreciate your patience.



If you are booking a 6 week baby check and/or a 6 week postpartum review you will need to book with reception on 5250 1208. 

This is so we can ensure the appointments are paired together, enough time is allocated with the doctor and the immunisations are booked with the nurses.