Kensington Hill Medical Centre
A family-owned, patient-centred general practice in Leopold, Victoria.
Kensington Hill Medical Centre
A family-owned, patient-centred general practice in Leopold, Victoria.
Opening hours:
Monday – Thursday

We believe that patients come first.
Our aim is to give our patients the highest possible quality of care, by ensuring excellence in all aspects of our practice. We believe that each patient is an individual and deserves caring and holistic care.
Adjacent to the clinic at 6 Kensington Road is Kensington Hill Allied Health, housing complex care nurses, pathology services, podiatry, and dietetic services.
We're an integrated, multi-disciplinary team of health specialists.
Diabetes Education
Our Diabetic Team consists of Yvette and Symantha, who are dually trained as specialised diabetic educators as well as registered nurses. We are proud of the excellent results they produce working with our patients.
Dietetic Design
Our dietician, Anne Buso has many years experience. She specialises in weight management, diabetes, sports nutrition and cardiovascular disease dietary advice.
Pain Management
Severe or long lasting pain is debilatating. Our doctors are experienced in managing pain. Expert advice is available.
Precise Podiatry
Peter Angelucci is our podiatrist. Peter can help treat your foot pains, manufacture orthotic insoles and improve your comfort levels when walking. He has a special interest in diabetic foot care and vascular conditions.
Skin Health Geelong
Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, people at most risk include, those over 50, people who work outside or play outdoor sport and those with a family history of skin cancer. Don't hesitate to raise your concerns and see one of our professionals today.
Travel Health Geelong
Our travel health specialists can provide travel vaccinations and health advice for all your travels. Travel Health Geelong is an accredited provider of Yellow Fever immunisations. We keep full stock of travel vaccinations in the practice for your convenience. From Iceland to Patagonia, we love finding out about your future travels.
Womens Health
Expert advice and a wholistic approach to womens health. We provide implanon and mirena (IUD) insertion and removal, performed by our specialist general practitioners. We also have shared care providers, to expertly manage your pregnancy.
Frequently Asked Questions
KHMC is a private family run practice. To deliver the quality care we believe you deserve, we are unfortunately unable to be a bulk-billing practice with the currently available government rebates.
We have set fees for private consultations and reduced rates for pensioners and health care card holders.
We have introduced an out-of-pocket expense for Health Care and Pension card holders of $30.00, regardless of consultation length. We acknowledge that this is a change for our patients. If you are in financial hardship, we encourage you to discuss this with your GP. Patients will be required to pay for their consultation in full at the time of consultation. After receiving full payment of your account and with the assistance of our reception team your account will electronically submit to Medicare to receive a rebate. All fees at KHMC are at the doctor’s individual discretion; and some doctors may have their own fee structure.
All information regarding individual patients cannot be disclosed in any form except for strictly authorised use within the patient care context at our practice or legally directed.
Health Records are kept where constant staff supervision is easily provided. Personal health information is kept out of view and is not accessible by the public.
All patient health information is considered private and confidential, and is not disclosed to family, friends, staff or others without the patient’s consent. This information includes medical, residential, employment and family information. Each staff member is educated on privacy laws and signs a confidentiality agreement on commencement of employment.
In Addition to Federal legalisation, our practice also complies with State legalisation.
If you have any concerns regarding the sharing of your health information within the practice, please discuss your concerns with your doctor.
Your doctor will generally request that you make an appointment for discussion of the test results. Depending on the nature of the test the doctor may sometime suggest you can phone for the results.
If you need to speak with the Doctor, and he or she is unable to take your call at the time, our friendly reception staff will take your details and get the doctor to return your call at the earliest opportunity.
If you require after hours medical assistance of a non-urgent nature, please call the National Home Doctor Service on 13 SICK or 13 7425 for a bulk-billed home visit. They will send a report to your nominated GP the following day.
For urgent medical care please call 000.
Meet the Team
Our team of General Practitioners have a wealth of clinical experience and strong ties to our community. We have been proudly providing care to Leopold for over 30 years.

Meet the Team
Our team of General Practitioners have a wealth of clinical experience and strong ties to our community. We have been proudly providing care to Leopold for over 30 years.
After Hours
There is always a doctor available 24 hours for important and urgent matters that cannot wait until the next working day.
If you need a doctor outside our normal hours the National Home Doctors Service can be contacted on 13 74 25. This ensures there will always be a doctor available to you.
Alternatively, you can phone our practice on (03) 5250 1208 and a message will advise you of the after-hour contact.
Translation Services
Our practice encourages patients with English language difficulties to utilise Translating and Interpretive Service on:
Our practice encourages patients with hearing difficulties to utilise National Auslan Booking Service on: